Anchor ads will start serving on wider screens (Google AdSenese)

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Anchor ads will start serving on wider screens (Google AdSenese)

Post by thaterrormessage »

Anchor Ads Google Adsense
Anchor Ads Google Adsense (108.58 KiB) Viewed 3295 times
Anchor ads to show on wider screens from 19.07.21

Based on feedback from publishers using anchor, we’ve updated anchor ads to support wider screen sizes. Our experiments show that anchor ads perform well on wider screens.

If you'd prefer not to show anchors on wider screens, you can turn this option off using the new "wide screen" control in your Auto ads settings.

What does this mean for me?

• From 19.07.21, if you're using anchor ads, this ad format will start to appear on your sites on wider screens such as desktop devices.
• You may see an increase in your anchor revenue.
• The change will apply to all sites that have "anchor" enabled in your AdSense account.

What should I do next?

• There's no action required from you for this change to take effect on your sites.
• See how anchors will appear on your desktop sites by using the Auto ads preview.
• See how anchors are performing in this report in your account.

The Google AdSense Team
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