Claim Determination Notice - Rivera, et al. v. Google LLC (Email)

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Claim Determination Notice - Rivera, et al. v. Google LLC (Email)

Post by thaterrormessage »

Your claim submitted in connection with the Rivera, et al. v. Google LLC class action settlement was reviewed by the Settlement Administrator, and it was determined that additional information is required to validate your claim. To validate your claim, you are required to provide a photocopy of your valid driver's license or government-issued photo ID and the Username or Email Address associated with the Google Photos account to which a photograph of you was uploaded. If you do not currently reside in the state of Illinois, you must also provide proof of residency during the Class Period (May 1, 2015 through April 25, 2022).

You must provide the required information using the “Upload Documentation for My Claim” option located on the “I would like to…” tab of the Settlement Website by no later than December 4, 2022. Here, you will provide the Username or Email Address associated with the Google Photos account to which a photograph of you was uploaded and upload a photocopy of your valid driver's license or government-issued photo ID. You will also be required to provide your Settlement Claim ID, first and last name, and current email address.

You will not receive additional notice about your claim. Failure to respond to this notice before December 4, 2022, or providing an incomplete response, will result in the rejection of your claim submission. Completion of the deficiency response form does not guarantee payment of your claim.

You may address questions regarding this notice by sending an email to For additional information about the settlement, please visit the case website at


Office of the Settlement Administrator

PLEASE NOTE: The information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of the claims administration process for this matter, and will not be used for any other purpose. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is stored in a combination of paper and electronic files and is protected by security measures appropriate to the nature of the information. PII is retained to the extent required to fulfill our obligations as outlined in orders of the Court.
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