Safety Score Beta V1.2 is Here (Tesla Insurance)

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Safety Score Beta V1.2 is Here (Tesla Insurance)

Post by thaterrormessage »

Safety Score Beta V1.2 is Here

Your policy has been transitioned to Safety Score Beta V1.2. Some of the key updates include:

A more accurate assessment of your future collision risk, based on over 8 Billion miles of driving data
A Late Night Driving Safety Factor, to encourage planning your trips during times when risk of collision is lower
A Trip View of all your trips, indicating when events occurred that impacted your Safety Score

Learn more about the latest version of the Safety Score.

Your new Safety Score will start to be calculated now but your premium will not be impacted until the start of your next term. Exact features may vary based on your vehicle infotainment system and hardware.

Questions? Contact a licensed agent at 1-844-34-TESLA
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