Uh Oh, this account has been identified as a shared account. (answers)

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Uh Oh, this account has been identified as a shared account. (answers)

Post by thaterrormessage »

Chegg Shared Account
Chegg Shared Account (46.39 KiB) Viewed 2869 times
Uh Oh, this account has been identified as a shared account. It has been suspended due to violating our Terms of Use.

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We have completed our investigation and in our mission to help you with your studies, we would like to give you the opportunity to use the service as intended by reinstating your account.
Please follow the steps below to access your account:
Go to www.answers.com/study
Search for a solution you'd like to view
Select that solution you'd like to view
You may be shown a pop up window to reset your password
Once you've reset your password, using the window that displays, you'll have full access to your account.
Please know that we will continue to monitor your account to ensure that it is not violating our Terms of Use. If we see that the account is being used by others, it will likely be deactivated permanently.
You can let those who may have your account information know that they can sign up for their own answers Study subscription at www.answers.com/study to continue getting the study help they need.
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