A new way to manage and view your YouTube earnings

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A new way to manage and view your YouTube earnings

Post by thaterrormessage »

Starting in March and rolling out over the next few months, you will have a dedicated way to view your YouTube earnings. Instead of combining YouTube with other AdSense earnings in one payments account, YouTube earnings will appear in a separate payments account.

What does this mean?

• For users with YouTube and other AdSense earnings, you will be able to manage and view your YouTube earnings in a separate payments account accessible from the Payments page.

What do I need to do?

• No action is needed. Moving forward, all your YouTube earnings will be posted to your YouTube payments account and any existing form of payment or custom payment thresholds will automatically be applied.

Will this impact my earnings?

• The amount you earn will not change, however users with both YouTube and other AdSense earnings will have two separate payment accounts. Each payment account will need to reach the payment threshold which could influence your disbursement timing.
• If you have unpaid YouTube earnings, those will be transferred to the new YouTube payments account.
• Previously paid YouTube earnings and any other AdSense earnings will remain associated with your AdSense payments account.
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