Disabled Payments & Ads Manager (Facebook)

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Disabled Payments & Ads Manager (Facebook)

Post by thaterrormessage »

In order to expedite the review of your account, please upload a statement for the primary payment method on your advertising account.

In order to verify your payment method, this statement should include the last four digits of the payment method, and if possible, any recent charges from Facebook.

Keeping your personal and financial information secure is our priority. Any attachments uploaded during the course of this investigation will be automatically deleted from our records within 30 days.

Check all that apply
Country your credit and/or debit cards were issued in doesn’t match your current location
You traveled within the last 60 days
You relocated within the last 60 days
Payment Method Statement Upload
Please upload a statement of your primary payment method. Make sure your statement shows the last 4 digits of the account, or if it is a paypal, please make sure the paypal email address is displayed.
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