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WARNING: You have set up an ANGIE password

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:39 am
by thaterrormessage
Warning You Have Set Up An Angie Password Akeeba
Warning You Have Set Up An Angie Password Akeeba (90.67 KiB) Viewed 444 times

WARNING: You have set up an ANGIE password
Your backup restoration script (ANGIE) will only be accessible if you provide the password you have set up in the previous page, before clicking the Backup Now button. If you don't remember setting up a password, your browser has auto-completed the password on the backup form without your consent and despite our explicit instruction to it to not do that. This is done by many password managers as well as browsers such as Safari and Firefox.

If you do not want to password protect the restoration script please reload the page, double check that the ANGIE Password field is blank and click on the Backup Now button again.

You should also file a bug report to the makers of your browser and/or your password manager, telling them that their software ignores the autocomplete="off" attribute of web forms, which is against the web standards. Please do not report this to us as a bug. It is not a bug in our software; we have already done everything in our power to prevent this from happening. The problem is caused by your browser and/or password manager software ignoring web standards and making bad decisions on form auto-fill without asking you.